LDA YouTube Channel: New Videos/Updates: Cameron, Liegner, Martz, Breitschwerdt

occi watchStill from Deer Tick & Time video by James Occi, LDA Scientific & Advisory BoardThe Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA) has updated its YouTube Channel and added additional videos to the website. Click here and then go to Videos on menu to see a list of all the videos on the LDA’s YouTube Channel. Click on Playlists to see the videos placed in various categories. While there, look to upper left for a Subscribe button. Click it to receive notification of any new videos published on the site.

The most recently uploaded videos include the 1st Rocky Mountain Lyme/TBD Forum in 2016 in Golden Colorado, sponsored by the LDA and hosted by the Colorado Tick-Borne Disease Awareness Association (COTBDAA). Listen to Drs. Daniel Cameron and David Martz discuss Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment and what it’s personally like to have Lyme, respectively. LDA President Pat Smith provides a nationwide overview of Lyme & TBDs, now about 20, in the US; a CO firefighter presents TBD from her perspective; and President of COTBDAA, Monica White, talks about tick-borne diseases in Colorado. (see Playlist/CO Rocky Mountain Forum)

Also featured on YouTube are some of the faculty members from the 2013 annual LDA Continuing Medical Education conference held in St. Paul, Minnesota. Faculty from throughout the U.S. include speakers on YouTube videos Drs. Ed Breitschwerdt on bartonella; Ken Liegner, Ernest Visconti, Richard Rhee, on Lyme disease; and from US Army Command, Ellen Stromdahl on ticks; also a very brief overview of the LDA & of Lyme disease by LDA president Pat Smith.

Other new brief tick videos from James Occi, Rutgers, LDA Professional & Scientific Advisory Board, show the deer tick and lone star and how fast they are able to move while seeking a meal. A tick removal video has also been selected for the YouTube site.

The Contagion Chronic Lyme Controversy video series which presents a panel of experts consisting of ILADS doctors Sam Shore and Robert Bransfield, and LDA President Pat Smith discussing the chronic aspects of Lyme and difficulties patients have getting a diagnosis and treatment, with Dr. Leonard Sigal presenting the non ILADS viewpoint. Dr. Peter Salgo from Columbia Presbyterian is the moderator. The frank discussion of the issue from both viewpoints is worth viewing.

Other videos are on the website. Click Videos on menu to see an entire list.