Journal Article on Chronic Lyme

2012 PokJournal MarybethPfeifferLQ-MedMary Beth Pfeiffer, Investigative Reporter with the Poughkeepsie JournalThe LDA congratulates Mary Beth Pfeiffer for her ongoing investigative series for the Poughkeepsie Journal on chronic Lyme disease. She continues to do a phenomenal job exploring the issues behind the controversy, which prevents patients from receiving treatment. We hope that by openly reporting the facts, Lyme victims will finally receive the respect, credibility, and help they deserve, while they continue to battle this debilitating disease. We applaud all efforts to ensure that all of the science is put on the table for consideration in unlocking the secrets of the Lyme bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi.

Please take a minute to let her know your appreciation of all her efforts.
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[email protected]. Twitter: @marybethpf


VIDEO: Chronic Lyme disease: Is it real?

Officials say no, but some patients say yes – and demand a say

LYME DISEASE – The so-called “Lyme wars”: Lyme disease is easy to diagnose, easy to cure. That’s largely what the CDC and a group of prominent scientists say. Others, mostly Lyme doctors and a few maverick scientists, think the picture is much more complicated.

(Includes 9 page article detailing chronic Lyme dispute and history of federal officials relationships with guideline authors)


Lyme emails request took five years; officals blame scope and fee waiver
Government officials took five years to fill a Freedom of Information Act request for emails related to Lyme disease. 3,000 pages of emails were received; about 1,300 pages were whited out.

INTERACTIVE: Lyme, the ties that bind
Intenal emails show a close relationship between federal officials who oversee Lyme disease policy and a core group of researchers that has received government grants and written treatment guidelines. As a result, physicians and scientists with opposing views on Lyme disease believe they have been marginalized in the debate. They think the Lyme spirochete might sometimes survive antibiotic treatment, counter to what the guidelines state.


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