Chronic Lyme-Across the World, Though the Body: Help LDA Help Patients!


The Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA) has been working with Lyme and tick-borne diseases (TBD) for 31 years– patients and family members of patients driving the programs. We care about you, family, friends, and pets, who are all at risk for Lyme and other TBD. ~ Ninety-six % of our funds go directly to programs. To keep admin costs down, we have no employees and utilize consultants to provide expertise as needed. designates LDA as a charity at its highest transparency level, Platinum.  CFC designates LDA a national charity–in Combined Federal Campaign lists for federal employees’ workplace giving for 16 years.

Lyme disease is found throughout the world. The LDA has focused on chronic Lyme–persistent symptoms which continue after short term treatment.  Chronic persistent symptoms can be found throughout the body and are often unrecognized, and patients are often not able to continue treatment to get back to health. Below are some of our program accomplishments.

Over time, LDA has:

  •           Provided free online nationwide doctor referral systemNEW in 2021: Completely updated!
  •           Provided 21 LDA-Columbia Continuing Medical Education (CME) Lyme/TBD conferences.
  •           Awarded 123 research grants resulting in 57 peer-reviewed journal articles− 2 published in 2021.         
  •           Helped write and pass much legislation: 
      • New in 2021: Lyme language in House Approps. Report and provided impetus and language for bill introduced by C. Smith into House, Child Act 2021
      • “To amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA to recognize more clearly that Lyme disease can cause disabilities that affect the education of children and to enhance educational services and related services for children with Lyme disease/TBD).
  •           Awarded $418,000 in grants from LymeAid 4 Kids program for children needing medical assistance.
  •           Awarded 155+ education grants to other Lyme organizations/institutions who are providing programs & help to patients;
      • Plus 107 Lyme conference scholarship grants.
  •           Provided free downloadable LDA brochures on website, LymeR Primer brochure in Spanish 
  •           Updated LDA’s COVID-19 & Lyme webpage.
  •           Partnered to establish the endowed Columbia Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center.

Please donate to LDA today. Help us provide a healthier New Year for people everywhere. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Thank You & Happy, Healthy 2022.