Breaking Through Biofilms: Including Borrelia burgdorferi

Photo of LaboratoryJournal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Jensen, G.S., et al.) 3.2.23 published “Disruption of Established Bacterial and Fungal Biofilms by a Blend of Enzymes and Botanical Extracts.” In this study researchers evaluated the effects of a nutraceutical enzyme and a botanical blend (NEBB) on established biofilm from five microbial strains with known implications in chronic human illnesses. 

Strains that were tested include: Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus simulans, Borrelia burgdorferi, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Biofilm cultures of each microbe were treated with NEBB containing enzymes targeted at lipids, proteins, and sugars; N-acetyl cysteine; and cranberry, berberine, rosemary, and peppermint antimicrobial extracts.

Findings showed that NEBB treatment resulted in biofilm-disruption of microbes. For Candida and both Staphylococcus species, findings included a significant reduction in biofilm mass and metabolic activity. For B. burgdorferi, there was also a reduction of biofilm mass, however residual biofilm displayed a mild increase in metabolic activity. This change in metabolic activity suggests a shift from dormant form (treatment-resistant persister cells) of Lyme bacteria to a more active form that may be more recognizable by the host immune system. For P. aeruginosa, low doses of NEBB reduced biofilm mass and metabolic activity, while higher doses increased biofilm mass and metabolic activity.

Authors suggest that these results suggest that targeted enzyme and botanical extracts disrupt biofilm, offering new concepts regarding integrative combination treatments for difficult to treat microbes. 

For More Information

For Access to the Full Text Article in Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Here

For more on biofilms Here