A Review: Seeking a Cure for Lyme Disease

Frontiers in Medicine (Adkison, H. and Embers, M.) published a review article 5.24.23 “Lyme disease and the pursuit of a clinical cure.” This review focuses on the various mechanisms that are either validated or challenged by the scientific evidence (in vitro, in vivo, and clinical) with particular focus on the role of the immune response and resolution of Borrelia spp. infections in humans.  Also discussed in the review are the next generation treatments and the research being pursued to establish biomarkers that will predict both treatment responses and outcomes for those infected. Authors state that evolution of definitions and guidelines for Lyme disease must grow with the research in order to make advances in patient care, specifically towards better diagnostics and curative therapies.

Limited studies have been conducted on Post Treatment Lyme Disease(PTLD) due to the current inability to determine persistence of infection. Authors state that the likelihood of more than one mechanism may be at play in failures of antibiotic treatments leading to PTLD. Researchers state that results from in vitro experiments and animal models may lead to better patient care. And that with personalized medicine evolving and progressing with new discoveries and innovations in science and technology occurring, a true clinical cure for Lyme disease universally will prevent PTLD in the future.

For More Information:

Read full text review article at Frontiers in Medicine

Read more article from LDA on Lyme Disease