Study Links Low-Dose Aspirin to Lower Likelihood of COVID‐19 Infection

Low Dose AspirinResearchers, Eugene Merzon, et al. have published findings in The FEBS Journal from a recent study examining correlations between the use of aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and the lower likelihood of COVID‐19 infection. The investigators cited aspirin’s numerous effects on various components of innate and adaptive immunity, and therefore, its ability to influence vulnerability to viral infections. They also note its widespread use during the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic. The research team hypothesized that the use of low-dose aspirin for cardiovascular disease prevention could have a “protective effect” against susceptibility to COVID‐19 infection, as well as potentially lessen the duration of disease.  Using data from the Leumit Health Services database, the team carried out a retrospective, population‐based, cross‐sectional study. The results showed an inverse association between the probability of COVID-19 infection and the use of low-dose aspirin for primary prevention. A repeat study, utilizing larger samples, including data from patients treated at more institutions, is a necessary next step and the researchers call for swift clinical consideration of the safe, affordable drug, to positively change COVID-19 infection outcomes. The researchers assert, “Such an effect would also provide immediate socio-economical relief by reduction of COVID-19 susceptibility.”  Read the full study in The FEBS Journal. Read more about COVID-19 on LDA’s website.