Powassan Virus Persistence After Acute Infection

Powassan Virus, photo credit: Canad. Med Assn. J. 5-2-64
Powassan Virus, photo credit: Canad. Med Assn. J. 5-2-64

The American Society for Microbiology Journal (Telford S. R. & Piantadosi A. L.) 06.20.2023, published “Powassan virus persistence after acute infection.”

This study aims to better understand the neurological lasting effects after contracting Powassan encephalitis. This is done by observing the effects of Powassan virus (POWV) in mice. Powassan encephalitis is a severe tickborne virus with a high mortality rate and lasting symptoms in many individuals after recovery.

POWV in humans is “notable for the severity of both the acute disease and the long-term sequelae.” Acute infection symptoms include fever and fatigue, but 95% of cases are neuroinvasive, meaning it causes infection in the brain (encephalitis).


For More Information:

Read the article on the American Society for Microbiology Journal website.

More About Powassan from the LDA Website