Phase 3 Trials of Lyme Vaccine Candidate VLA15 to Take Place on Martha’s Vineyard

An article in Martha Vineyard Times announced that Phase 3 trials for theLyme Disease Vaccine candidate VLA15 Valneva-Pfizer Lyme disease vaccine candidate, VLA15, will take place on the Vineyard. This trial phase will investigate the extent to which the vaccine provides protection.

Among the Vineyard facilities assisting with the trial will be Vineyard Medical Care. Michael Loberg, president of Vineyard Medical Care and a member of the Tisbury board of health, said the plan is to have four customized medical trailers with staff who will administer the vaccine to hundreds of trial participants that are expected to take part.

Loberg says that the trials will aid in addressing “one of the major unmet medical needs we have here on Martha’s Vineyard.”

Tisbury health agent Maura Valley said the trials are expected to be in a double-blind format starting in August. A second shot will be given approximately 60 days afterward, as well as a booster dose in April. 

Valley described Lyme as “one of our biggest public health issues on the island” and is hopeful that the vaccine will be beneficial. She anticipates that many people will be interested in signing up for the trial. Information on how to sign up as a participant will be made available in the coming weeks.

According to Pfizer, VLA15 is currently the only Lyme disease vaccine candidate in clinical development. Those involved in the trial hopeful that it will bring a reduction in the prevalence of Lyme disease in areas, such as Martha’s Vineyard, where the disease is has become widespread.

Read the full article in Martha’s Vineyard Times.

More on VLA15:

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