Huge Turnover of CDC Vaccine Advisory Committee Members

CDC Vaccine Advisory According to Precision Vaccinations News, there will be several new members at the next Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting on February 28-29, 2024. (HHS) is filling eight vacancies on this 15 member panel, through an application and nomination process, including a new chairperson. Of the 15 member committee, 14 members are subject matter experts, one is a consumer representative. 

The ACIP is responsible for the development of  recommendations for immunizations in the US that are then reviewed and approved by the CDC Director and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Once recommendations are published in the CDC’s MMWR, States then determine the local applicability, laws, and requirements for schools and businesses. Meetings of the ACIP are open to the public, in listening mode.

For More Information: 

Read Precision Vaccinations News Article

Draft ACIP Meeting Agenda/Information

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