Lyme Prevention Powerpoint for Kids


  • Free
  • Can run from the Internet
  • Can download and print the presentations
  • Audio pronunciation guide
  • Pre- and Post-Tests included

How A Tick Can Make You Sick

Dear Educator, Camp Counselor, and Others who work with students/children:
One of the goals of the Lyme Disease Association (LDA)—an all-volunteer, national organization—is to increase education about tick-borne diseases. The LDA already has educated millions of people to date, but reported cases of Lyme disease continue to rise at an alarming rate—by 39 percent from 2006 to 2007.
The tool we have provided here, “How A Tick Can Make You Sick,” can be used successfully with audiences from middle school students through adults. A few slides are a bit more complex, e.g., slides on co-infections, and those can be glossed over by the presenter for younger students.
The Lyme Disease Association has developed this slide show after almost 20 years working in schools with teachers and with students on Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. The LDA has asked doctors, a family psychotherapist, a school district special services director (retired), a microbiologist, a teacher, Lyme disease group leaders, and kids to review the presentation. We have tweaked the content provided here to make it more interesting for students and to be Web friendly.
Printable Pdf Version of Each Module:
Knowledge Assessments:

LDA Interactive Lyme Disease Case Map – View Reported Case Numbers with a click!
Individual maps from 1990 through 2010 and total case number map 1990-2010 including state reporting criteria changes. Click on individual states for a pop up case number table and an incidence map. All have printer-friendly versions. Free

AVAILABLE NOW! Time for Lyme Curriculum for Schools
In a cooperative effort between Connecticut-based Time for Lyme, Inc.(TFL) [an LDA affiliate] and Connecticut school administrators, TFL created a tick-borne diseases curriculum with age-appropriate goals, activities, and measurable guidelines—one that includes tick awareness, prevention tips, proper tick removal, and the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. This curriculum is designed for use in elementary school (grades K and 3), middle school (grade 6), and high school (grade 9). For purchase.

For New Jersey Educators: State Department of Education adopted curriculum already available
LDA (when it was LDANJ) helped to develop and pass the law which developed a state adopted curriculum for use in NJ schools and requires NJ school districts to annually in-service any staff member who has a student with Lyme disease. P.L. 18A 35-5.1-5.3 (1992)

ABC’s Of Lyme Disease LDA pamphlet written for parents and educators
Current research indicates that the Lyme disease bacteria can be transmitted within hours after an infected tick attachment. Failure of parents and teachers to recognize Lyme disease early in its course can result in a child developing a chronic difficult to treat infection in the brain, eyes, joints, heart and elsewhere in the body. Free (shipping costs for large quantities)

New Book for kids with Lyme Disease – BUY BOOK ONLINE
Lyme Disease Is No Fun: Let’s Get Well! written by Mary Wall MS Ed, CCLS, a Columbia graduate student, edited by Colleen M. Smith, a peer-review medical journal production editor and Johns Hopkins grad?each has battled Lyme disease as a child. Author Amy Tan has written the back cover note. Published by Lyme Disease Association, Inc.

The Effects of Lyme Disease on Students, Schools and School Policy
by Patricia V. Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association was published in School Leader, official publication of the New Jersey School Boards Association, Sept/Oct 2004 issue. LDA has permission to post and reprint the article. Free access

New! Excerpts from Best Practices in School Health manual, the section on Lyme disease, module 4.
The excerpted pieces are from interviews with Lyme Disease Association President Pat Smith. “Reprinted with permission from Best Practices in School Health, a publication of Federal News Services, Inc. For more info, please visit
Make Time to Look at Lyme and
In-service Ideas for Lyme Disease

Lyme Times
The Lyme Disease Association has permission from The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences to post the following article in its entirety. Free access

Lyme in the Schools
Lyme Disease Association website section devoted to Lyme in the schools.