2003 LDA/Columbia Medical Conference – Video Clips

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Lyme & Other Tick-borne Diseases: Current Strategies & A Map to the Future, c. 2003. 7.5 hours (2 DVDs). Sponsored by the LDA, 9 category 1 CME’s were awarded by Columbia. Speakers include Ken Nealson, PhD; Steven Schutzer, MD; Sherwood Casjens, PhD; Judith Miklossy, MD; Paul Duray, MD; Paul Fawcett, PhD; Carolyn Barley Britton, MD; Brian Fallon, MD; Joseph Burrascano, MD; Mitch Hoggard, RPh; Martin Fried, MD. $35.00.
Paul Duray, MD (ex-vivo modeling of Bb)

Paul Fawcett, PhD (Testing)

Amy Tan LymeAid 4 Kids Presentation

Carolyn Barley Britton, MD (Abnormal white matter on brain MRI)

Mitch Hoggard, RPh (Antimicrobial Agents)

Martin Fried, MD (Coinfections Associated with Abdominal Pain)


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