Lyme Disease Association Has New Prevention Tool: Spanish Version, LymeR Primer

The Lyme Disease Association (LDA) announces the publication of its Spanish LymeR Primer (LP).  The English LP has been around for more than two decades with countless numbers distributed throughout the US to the public, schools, government, businesses, and health care providers. It contains information on 20 tick-borne diseases and conditions in the US and 7 ticks that transmit them.  The English Primer can be ordered online in quantity for postage or downloaded and printed for free. The Spanish Primer is only downloadable from the website at this time.
Ahora presentamos a la versión descargable en español del LymeR Primer de LDA.
LymeR Primer™ (pdf) Folleto de Sensibilización: síntomas, pruebas, identificación de garrapatas, enfermedades que transmiten las garrapatas, prevención, eliminación de garrapatas, pruebas de garrapatas, hechos generales y síntomas sobre Lyme y muchas enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas.
Disponible solo para descargar.
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LymeR PrimerTM Folleto de Sensibilización