LDA-Columbia 2021 Lyme Conference Videos Now Available for All!

lda lyme conferenceThe Lyme Disease Association Inc. (LDA) has been able to release for the public on LDA’s You Tube Channel, a number of lectures from the LDA-Columbia 21st annual Lyme & Tick-borne Diseases 2021 CME conference.  See lectures by John Aucott, Adrian Baranchuk, Ed Breitschwerdt, Catherine Brissette, Marna Ericson, Brian Fallon, Kim Lewis, Ken Liegner, and Ricardo Maggi. Topics include Lyme & COVID 19; cardiac manifestations of Lyme; Barrtonella; Borrelia colonizing dura matter; Suicidal behavior & Lyme; Lyme therapies; Disulfiram treatment for Lyme; PCR detection of Borrelia, Babesia & Bartonella; and Bartonella henselae in malignant melanoma. LDA President Pat Smith’s opening conference video provides information about the LDA and LDA- supported research including the problems with geographic diagnosis of Lyme disease. NOTE: Some videos are not available due to ongoing research on the topic.

See videos here  LDA You Tube Conference videos See more information on the conference on the LDA website LDA-Columbia conference info See information on the Columbia Research Center  Columbia Lyme & TBD Research Center