Donta, Sam T

DontaSam T. Donta, MD Consultant Infectious Diseases Falmouth Massachusetts Hospital Falmouth, MA Conference Facilitator Dr Donta grew up in Western Pennsylvania, was valedictorian of his Beaver Falls High School class of 351 students, received his BS from Allegheny College, his MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine (where is received the Mosby Award for clinical excellence), did an internship/residency in Internal Medicine at U of Pittsburgh Hospitals, served in the Air Force atOtis AFB, MA, did post-doctoral training in Biochemistry at Brandeis U, and a Fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Boston Univ, focusing his interest on microbial toxins. He then went to the U of Iowa where he became Professor of Medicine and Chief of Infectious Diseases, was there for 11 yrs, then went to the U of Connecticut for 11yrs as Chief of ID, and Chief of Medicine at the VA, during which time he developed both a clinical and research interest in Lyme disease. He subsequently did post-graduate work in molecular medicine at Boston University, then moved there, joining the faculty in Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine, and established a Lyme disease center to further conduct clinical and research studies on Lyme disease. He was also on the staff at the Boston VA, from which base he chaired two multicenter VA sponsored cooperative studies on Gulf War Illness. During his academic career, he served on a NIH study section, and chaired another ad hoc NIH study section. After his retirement from academic medicine, he continued a clinical practice in Boston and Falmouth MA, concentrating on Lyme disease. Since his retirement from active clinical practice, he remains active as a consultant in Infectious diseases at Falmouth hospital, and serves on a number of county, state, and national committees related to Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. He most recently served on the DOD’s Tick Borne Disease Research programmatic review panel, and has served on the HHS Working Group subcommittee on the pathogenesis and treatment of Lyme disease. He is the author of 100+ scientific publications on toxins, Lyme disease, and Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses.