Ways to Support the LDA

We need your help to continue our current programs, to develop new materials/services to meet the increasing needs of increasing disease burden, and to fund research to find a cure for this debilitating disease.Please join us in this fight. Working together, we can help our states, communities, families, friends, and neighbors.  


Let’s Work Together To Fight Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases

The Lyme Disease Association’s (LDA) goals are to find a cure for Lyme disease and to prevent others from acquiring Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.    According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 328,128 Lyme disease cases were reported nationwide from 1990 through 2008. Since CDC has indicated only 10% of cases meeting the CDC surveillance criteria are actually reported, approximately 3,281,280 new cases of Lyme occurred over that time period nationwide.  Education, prevention and research are vitally important to help reduce the impact this epidemic is having on our nation and to minimize the suffering and pain caused by Lyme disease.

We need your help to continue our current programs, to develop new materials/services to meet the increasing needs of increasing disease burden, and to fund research to find a cure for this debilitating disease.  Please join us in this fight. Working together, we can help our states, communities, families, friends, and neighbors.

What We can do for You


1.    Provide educational in-services for your employees.

2.    Provide professional brochures on Lyme and tick-borne diseases for your employees.

3.    Maintain a website that provides access to free educational material on types of ticks, various diseases carried by them, symptoms of diseases, prevention strategies, proper tick removal, and free referrals to “Lyme literate physicians and support groups.

4.   Maintain a toll free information line on Lyme disease.


How This Can Help Your Company


1.   Prevent Lyme and tick-borne diseases for employees and families

2.   Reduce absenteeism

3.   Reduce medical insurance costs

4.   Reduce disability/workmen’s comp costs

5.   Reduce temp costs to replace absent employees with Lyme or who have family members with Lyme

6.   Save lives. Tick-borne diseases can kill


What You Can do for Us


1.       Provide grants or cash donations so that LDA can meet its program goals.

e.g., A corporate cash grant enables us to continue awarding cutting edge research grants that bring us closer to a cure.


2.       Donate office equipment that will assist us in developing and enriching our programs.

e.g., Computers, copiers, printers, projectors 


3.       Include the LDA in corporate giving campaigns.

e.g., Encourage employee donations through the matching of employee funds given to the LDA.


4.       Enable employee in-kind involvement.

e.g., Employees with professional expertise can volunteer for the organization, perhaps even during selected work time: PR, website services, marketing


5.       Sponsor events and educational brochures.

e.g., Supporting events such as LDA’s Lyme walk/ 5k run, LDA’s scientific conference, sponsorship of brochures which are often provided for free


6.       Provide PR for LDA through company newsletters, websites, etc.


7.       Donate supplies for LDA events

e.g., Food, paper products, other consumables