Email Your New York State Senator Today

Dear Lyme Patient, Family Member, or Friend,

2014 NYSsenateWe need your assistance to ensure that sick patients receive the individualized treatments that they need for Lyme and any Tick Borne Diseases they may have. NYS Senate Bill S5520-B and Assembly Bill A7558-A will protect the patients’ rights to work with the doctor of their choice to decide the best treatment plans for Lyme & other tick-borne diseases without the physicians fearing reprisal.  The Assembly has already passed this bill, thanks to the skill and dedication of Assemblywoman Didi Barrett.  We now need your help to “encourage” the Senate to pass the identical bill now before them. It is currently stalled in the Health Committee, where previous versions have been left to expire.

The following link will take you a page where you can take ACTION!  




Once you are on the votervoice site, please scroll to the boxes at the bottom of the page. 

1.   Enter your reasons for wanting this bill passed, such as “I was sick for 5 years before I received proper diagnosis”, or “my child has been sick for 3 years”, ” I want the freedom to choose my doctor and  my treatment” , etc.

2.   Next, enter your email and zip code

3.   Click “Continue”

4.   Fill in the remaining info.

The Senate session ends June 20.  We don’t have much time.  Every effort you can make will help.

HVLDA has been working with other advocate groups throughout NY to coordinate efforts and resources. Together we formed NYS Coalition on Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases to help lead New Yorkers to patient choice protection legislation.

Thank you for helping us to help YOU!  We’re all in this together!


Jill Auerbach
HVLDA, Chairperson