Hearing on Massachusetts Lyme Bill

Lyme Disease Patients Push For Health Coverage – 22 News

Speliotis Files Bill to Require Health Insurers Expand Coverage for Lyme Disease – DaversPatch

Press Release – MA Lyme Legislative Task Force

Written Testimony – Pat Smith, LDA President

MA SpeliotisMA Rep. Theodore Speliotis, Bill H.989 SponsThe Massachusetts Joint Committee on Financial Services has announced a hearing on H.989, An Act Relative to Lyme Disease Treatment Coverage, on Wednesday, November 13, 1:00-4:00 at the State House in Boston, Room A2. This bill will require that insurance companies cover open-ended antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease when prescribed by a physician.

Advocates ask that you attend the hearing, send written testimony, speak at the hearing, if you are able. Tell them:
Where in Massachusetts you are from.
Your personal story, briefly, on how Lyme has effected you or your loved ones.
The cost of Lyme (personally and economically) to you and your family.

This part is important, as this hearing is before the Financial Services Committee. If you were denied your physician-prescribed treatment by your insurance company, please tell the Committee so!

If your senator or representative is also a member of the Financial Services Committee, please speak with that person before the hearing. Our elected state officials need to know that Lyme disease is serious and costly, long term treatment can be essential, and many patients are being denied this treatment by their insurance companies.

Even if you do not plan on speaking or submitting written testimony, please come! Just your presence there sends a message that this bill is important. Let’s pack the hearing room!

If you are planning on speaking, you will be limited to 3 minutes. Since we don’t want to put the chairman in the awkward position of having to cut you off, please prepare your remarks in advance (3 minutes is about a single spaced page). Practice reading or reciting what you will say, and time yourself.

To send your written testimony, please email it to [email protected] or fax it to Trish McCleary at 774-241-0071.