June 3, 2009 – CT Call Govenor Rell

Governor Rell needs to know and hear that you want the LYME BILL TO BE SIGNED AND MADE INTO LAW IMMEDIATELY.

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June 3rd, 2009 Vol 2, Issue 4s
LDA Logo
Update Alert #4s

from Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA)


Call Governor Rell
tell her TO SIGN H.B. 6200 into law TODAY!

Your access to care & your doctor’s ability to treat you for Lyme are being challenged!
Governor Rell must not veto this bill!!
HISTORY: On April 30th, 2009, H.B. 6200, An Act Concerning the Use of Long-term Antibiotics for the Treatment of Lyme Disease passed unanimously in the Connecticut House of Representatives, and on May 29th it passed unanimously in the CT Senate.
PROBLEM: The Legislature ends June 3, 2009. We have reasons to believe that Governor Rell is considering vetoing this bill and that there are behind the scenes efforts to destroy the monumental patient effort in CT.
ACTION NOW: Governor Rell needs to know and hear that you want the LYME BILL TO BE SIGNED AND MADE INTO LAW IMMEDIATELY.
Call Governor Rell Greater Hartford Area:860-566-4840
or Toll Free: 800-406-1527
  1. Calls are more effective than emails, but if you absolutely cannot call, then email ([email protected])
  2. Ask friends, relatives, businesses related to CT that you know to do the same
  3. We need to overwhelm her office with a firm but polite request (see sample below).
  4. Governor Rell needs to know that vested interests are controlling Lyme disease.  
SAMPLE BLURB for phone calls and emails:Please copy and paste the blurb if you email this to Governor Rell, do not send the entire Alert
Dear Governor Rell,
The CT General Assembly, the CT State Medical Society, Lyme patients and their families support the Lyme bill to protect physicians. Please sign H.B. 6200 into law today!

Name, Address, Contact Info

For wording on the bill, please go to Click here: AN ACT CONCERNING THE USE OF LONG-TERM ANTIBIOTICS FOR THE TREATMENT OF LYME DISEASE. or if that does not work HB6200 (file # 903)
Thank you.

Lyme Disease Association, Inc.
Newtown Lyme Disease Task Force
Ridgefield Lyme Disease Task Force
Time For Lyme, Inc.
Eastern Connecticut Chapter, Lyme Disease Association  


Please click here  for more information on the federal Lyme and tick-borne diseases bill.