Miller Resolution Group Sign Ons

NY Assemblyman Joel Miller Is Retiring After Over 15 Years of Service to NY and the Lyme Community

We will be presenting the resolution below to him at his retirement dinner on Sept. 20th please sign on by the 15th. 

Please email questions or technical problems to [email protected] 

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Whereas, Joel M. Miller has served as Assemblyman of NY State District 102 since 1995;

Whereas, in that capacity he has worked with the Hudson Valley Lyme Disease Association, The Dutchess County Legislative Tick Task Force, the national Lyme Disease Association and numerous other groups throughout the state and nation.

Whereas, he has worked to help ensure an open climate in New York State which allows physicians to provide their best clinical judgment in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases;

Whereas, he has been an active intermediary for Lyme patients to help them acquire the medical services and insurance coverage they need;

Whereas, he has acted as a facilitator with other government officials and agencies on issues pertaining to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases;

Whereas, he has provided and supported prevention measures and education to limit disease;

Wheras, he has initiated the New York State Legislative Resolution Declaring May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month;

Whereas, in all these actions, he has displayed honesty, integrity, and dedication above and beyond the call of duty; and therefore:

Be It Resolved That the Lyme Disease groups below thank him for his passion, commitment and friendship and congratulate him upon his retirement;