LDA Co-Chairs EPA Lyme Conf. Session

March 30 -31, 2011, Arlington, VA – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Stewardship Branch Lyme Network, of which LDA is a founding member, held a 2-day Lyme disease prevention conference, “Promoting Community Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to Prevent Tick-Borne Diseases.” LDA President, Pat Smith, and Emily Zielinski-Gutierrez, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), co-chaired a session: Public Outreach Strategies to Reach Targeted Populations. Pat Smith helped obtain the speakers for the session, co-chaired it, and presented a Powerpoint on Lyme’s spread and the LDA’s work in combating that spread across the country. She also answered questions. LDA provided its Lyme brochures at the conference and was available to answer questions throughout. The conference was sold out, more than 146 attendees, many of whom were professionals in tick management, although the public was invited, and a free online webinar had 180 signed up to hear the conference and ask questions.

2011-EPA-Conf Smith BlanchardEnvironmental Protection Agency, Arlington, VA

March 31, 2011 Community Integrated Pest Management for Preventing Tick-Borne Diseases Conference

(L) Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, and (M) Emily Zielinski-Gutierrez, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Co-Moderators of the Public Outreach Strategies session with (R) Diane Blanchard, Co-President, Time For Lyme, Panel Member.



Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Lyme Disease Association (LDA) 


Agenda Highlights

  • Protecting Children in Schools and Outdoor Environment
  • Creating Institutional Structures for Community Level IPM
  • Role of Landscape Planning in Tick Management
  • Public Outreach Strategies to Reach Targeted Population
  • Protecting Oudoor Workers Exposed to Ticks
  • Population-Based Prevention Strategies
  • Research Strategies
  • Summary of Research Needs and Knowledge Gaps


 2011-EPA Conf

Click here for program summary

National Conference Website