May 18, 2009 – Lyme Appropriations Bill

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May 18, 2009 Vol 2, Issue 4
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            CALL TO ACTION #4

from Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA)

In This Issue
Action Needed
House co-sponsor update
Senate Lyme bill update
Contact US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee Members

This is only for Appropriations Committee Members in your state to co-sponsor HR 1179 

  1. It is important to get Lyme bill co-sponsors from the Appropriations Committe ASAP due to upcoming meetings.
  2. Click here to see if there is an Appropriation Committee Member(s) from your state.
  3. If so, and they are not already a co-sponsor, call or e-mail that Member(s) and ask him/her to co-sponsor the Lyme disease bill, HR 1179.

Way to go Lyme community!  Thanks to all your phone calls and e-mails, we are up to 42 House Co-Sponsors.   
Some of these new co-sponsors have not supported the Lyme bill in the past and some are new members of Congress this year.   It is an especially difficult task to get these types of new co-sponsors.  Kudos to all of you who took on the challenge and changed some minds!  
There are still many House Representatives who have co-sponsored the Lyme bill in the past BUT have not done so yet in this Congress, which currently has a huge workload.   They are responding to what constituents contact them about most often and are waiting for your phone calls/e-mails to remind them this bill is important and that you expect their co-sponsorship again.   Please visit the link below to dertermine who your House Representative is, if he/she is a co-sponsor, and if not, how to contact the Representative.

For now, please do not contact your two US Senators.  We expect that the Senate version will be introduced soon.  We will keep you posted.

For more information, visit the new LDA Legislative Website. Please click here