Cases, Stats, Maps, & Graphs

LDA has compiled maps, graphics, and tables based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) numbers which are based on CDC’s surveillance criteria.  The CDC reported numbers for Lyme disease are said to represent about 10% of actual cases that occur each year. The CDC surveillance criteria are meant for SURVEILLANCE, not DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT, REIMBURSEMENT, or STANDARDS OF CARE, states CDC. Check the descriptors in all the maps and graphics to see how the new change in surveillance reporting is reflected in the particular map and graph you are viewing. (On the map see the box labeled “States Ranked by Reported Cases” and click on the triangle for details). Click on your individual state to see a list of reported cases in that state since 1990. Also note there are case NUMBER maps showing the number of cases in each state and INCIDENCE maps showing the number of cases per 100,000 of population. A symbol on a state indicates that the state changed its reporting criteria. Click on the symbol to get details.    Note that CDC adopted significant Lyme disease reporting requirements in 2008, which were developed by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), charged by Congress with disease surveillance.    

Click US map to go to all LDA’s Interactive Lyme disease Case Maps.


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