LDA Strategic Goals & Objectives
Enhance the capability and productivity of TBD researchers
- Write for grants and hold fundraisers for Lyme disease research
- Develop a direct mail campaign for Lyme disease research funding
- Solicit Request for Proposals, RFPs, and award grants for Lyme and other tick-borne disease research, especially for chronic Lyme disease research
- Utilize national spokesperson, Oscar-nominated actress Mary McDonnell, in national fundraising campaigns
- Provide input into and promote legislative efforts to fund Lyme disease research
Reduce the spread of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases (TBD) throughout the general population
- Provide public forums to present Lyme disease experts
- Participate in public forums as a speaker
- Participate in health fairs
- Produce educational videos for website
- Update and reprint LymeR Primer pamphlet for free distribution
- Maintain a toll free information line
- Maintain a website and links to other Lyme disease sites
- Help develop and promote legislative efforts to reduce the spread of Lyme, through research and education
- Provide free literature in Spanish, including on the website
- Elicit cooperation with government agencies who share the same goal
Reduce the spread of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases in children
- Participate in school in-services on Lyme disease for educator
- Continue Professional Development provider status for State of New Jersey for educating teachers on Lyme disease
- Distribute free ABC’s of Lyme Disease pamphlet for parents and educators
- Develop, publish, and publicize How A Tick Can Make You Sick Powerpoint module for schools to be used free directly from LDA website (complete)
- Continue to raise/distribute funds for children without insurance through LymeAid 4 Kids
- Speak at conferences on the issues of children with Lyme disease
- Support children’s education materials and forums sponsored by others, including monetary support
- Provide input into and promote legislative efforts to reduce the spread of Lyme and TBDs and their complications relating to children
Educate physicians about Lyme and other tick-borne diseases
- Host medical conferences offering Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits for physicians
- Facilitate/encourage grand rounds on tick-borne diseases
- Provide free brochures to physicians for them to distribute
- Facilitate communications among physicians and researchers worldwide by keeping database upgraded, providing networking reception after annual conference, hosting small researcher meetings or “think tanks”
- Work with physician groups who share common interest to stop the spread of tick-borne diseases.
- Create case maps and incidence maps for website publication using CDC numbers for 1990-2007 (complete)
Facilitate Lyme disease patient wellness
- Maintain toll free line for automated Lyme disease information
- Maintain free automated doctor referrals
- Educate patients about dangers of TBDs
- Refer patients to other services related to Lyme disease
Improve cooperation with public officials on tick-borne disease strategies
- Meet with state officials including health commissioners, legislators, others to raise awareness and keep them informed of LDA work on the disease and on patient and doctor concerns
- Invite health officials to LDA medical conferences and public forums including as speakers
- Speak at health department and other official Lyme disease forums
- Provide doctors as speakers for public official forums
- Maintain a current data base of physician and researcher contact information
- Provide input into and promote legislative efforts to fund TBD research
- Attend or arrange speakers for government conferences on tick-borne diseases.
Integrate other groups into LDA nationwide effort
- Speak at forums sponsored by other groups
- Support other groups’ educational activities with materials, publicity, LDA personnel, and monetarily when possible
- Increase nationwide travel for improved relationships
- Add additional affiliates, chapters, supporters when feasible
- Hold annual LDA chapter, affiliate, supporter meeting