Dziedzic, Ingeborg

DziedzicIngeborg Dziedzic, MD, ABAARM
Pleasant Vision Ophthalmology Practice,
Pleasantville, New York

Potential late ophthalmic consequences of Lyme Disease

Ingeborg Dziedzic M.D. was born in Zagreb, Croatia and received her BS at Fordham University where she majored in biology and philosophy.  After attending Albert Einstein Medical School she completed a pediatric internship at Medical College of Pennsylvania followed by her residency in ophthalmology at Montefiore Hospital Medical Center. During her training she worked at the vascular research lab at Montefiore as well as Sloan Kettering and did research at Mt. Sinai and Fordham. She is a clinical professor at Montefiore Hospital Medical Center and attending at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco NY.  She is certified in antiaging and restorative medicine by the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine. Her private practice of ophthalmology led her to appreciate the systemic influences which play a major role in all aspects of health. In her practice today, she consistently applies her preventative philosophy to combat both visible and non-visible signs of aging. She is an expert at noninvasive cosmetic procedure, nutritional support, hormonal optimization and all aspects of disease prevention.

Conference Lecture Summary

Lyme disease starts as an acute infection and then proceeds to change our future health. In acute stage Borreliosis can cause inflammation in the eyes such as uveitis with autoimmune components, conjunctivitis, optic nerve inflammation or papillitis with associated papilledema. It can affect vision through brain disease along the visual pathways. Most patients recover the visual function with treatment and support, but it does not end there. The consequences for the eye can occur decades after the initial infection. These are mediated through many systemic alterations caused by the initial infection and its treatment. We will discuss the influence of microbiome, epigenetics and inflammation on the visual outcomes as related to Lyme disease.