Columbia Clinical Trials Network Seeks Treatment Approaches From Public, Clinicians, & Others

From Columbia Clinical Trials Network: In recognition of a severe unmet need, the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation’s grant to Columbia University has established the first national Columbia Clinical Trials Network for Lyme and other Tick-borne Diseases []. The Research Network starts with a team of leading investigators, including Dr. Brian Fallon at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City, Dr. John Aucott at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center in Baltimore Maryland, and Dr. Roberta DeBiasi at Children’s National Hospital in Washington D.C.

Providing oversight to ensure that the highest-quality clinical trials are undertaken, the Clinical Trials Network will provide internal funding support for small pilot studies, assist investigators in protocol design and statistical research planning, establish and manage a national case registry, and create a data management system for multi-site clinical trials. The clinical trials network will be a powerful engine to drive large-scale clinical trials and potentially transformational early-stage research.

To generate as many ideas as possible and to hear directly from the front lines of clinical experience, Columbia CTNCC invites public, community clinicians, and other stakeholders to submit their ideas on treatment approaches. These ideas may spark off development of a pilot study and be included in clinical trials conducted at one of the CTN nodes.

You may contribute to a groundbreaking research project in the field of Lyme and the tick-borne diseases.

The deadline for the first round of submissions for treatment research ideas from the general public is July 1, 2021. The submission period opened June 1.

To submit your suggestions for treatments, please go to and submit on the “Treatment Research Idea Hub”.


From the LDA:  The Lyme Disease Association Inc (LDA) President Pat Smith, had this to say about the release, “This is a great opportunity for individuals to provide suggestions which might lead to research on a treatment which could lead to a cure or to a better life for many of our sickest Lyme/TBD patients. I hope those who have promising ideas will submit them to the Columbia CTNCC for consideration.”