Two Columbia Studies Need Participants!

Researchers at Columbia University Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center are seeking research study participants for two studies. Women to serve as healthy controls are critical to conducting this first study on metabolomics, and patients with confirmed Lyme disease are needed for the second study on Lyme disease and Disulfiram. Please support these clinical studies. 

Dr. Brian Fallon
Dr. Brian Fallon, Investigator

Metabolomics study of Lyme disease: Columbia (Brian Fallon, MD) in collaboration with UCSD:

  • Women in Manhattan NY area over next four weeks
  • 6-10 healthy women ages 40-60 for controls come to Columbia lab for blood & urine testing, questionnaire, clinical evaluation, sensory testing
  • Participants receive $75 & free copies of their bloodwork
  • Email Lily Murray for details  [email protected]



Lyme patient Disulfiram study:

  • 14 week disulfiram study (Brian Fallon, MD)
  • Ages 18-65 with confirmed Lyme disease, persistent fatigue, don’t have other major medical comorbid problems, acquired Lyme within prior 16 years
  • All research treatment is provided free of charge
  • Inquiries on disulfiram study can be sent to: [email protected]      or can be made by phone 646-774-7503
  • Weblink for this study

For details on these studies and other clinical research opportunities please visit Columbia University, Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Research Center here.