2009/2010 Lyme Bill Text Changes

Many reps that were co-sponsors of the last Lyme bill are NOT co-sponsoring the current bill.  This could be in part due to some Insignificant changes in the current bill language and they don’t have time to review the changes.  Contact your reps today, explain the changes, or send them this list and urge them to be a co-sponsor today!



Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases




 Prevention, Education, and Research Act 2009
HR-1179 / S-1352



Changes and Updates in Bill Text

After carefully considering input from patients, organizations and others, the following changes were made to the bill by the sponsor.
Section 1. Title- changed from 2007 to 2009, “s” added to “disease”.
Section 2. (2). Better defined Borrelia burgdorferi, spirochete and species of tick.
Section 2 (5). Added anaplasmosis to deer tick-borne diseases. Expanded/reworded line concerning bartonella and tularemia. Added “other species of Borrelia”. Added STARI was carried by the lone star tick, as is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and ehrlichiosis. Changed to “multiple diseases” in one patient, vs. “more than one disease”.
Section 2. (6, 7) Separated original paragraph content to form an additional line, making it lines # 6-8, rather than # 6-7.    
Section 3 (c) 1 b. i- v. Defined the minimum number of people from various backgrounds and specialties that will be included as voting members on the Advisory Committee.
Section 3. (e) Added provisions for an annual report to be generated by the Advisory Committee, defined when and where it will be sent and its minimum contents.
Section 4. (4) C. Divided one line into 2 concerning the “conduct or support of activities”.
Section 4. (c) Specifically designated a certain portion of total research funding to be the minimum for the CDC and updated the years to be funded, to reflect the new session.
Section 5. b. (5) Added final comment to expand what is included in the report to Congress.
(5) a copy of the most recent annual report issued by the by the Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee established in Section 3 and an assessment of progress in achieving recommendations of that Committee.


(e) Report- A report shall be prepared not later than one year after enactment of this act and annually thereafter for submission through the Directors of CDC and NIH to the Secretary, which shall contain at a minimum the Advisory Committee’s functions, a list of its members and their affiliations, a summary of the Committee’s activities and recommendations during the previous year, including any significant issues regarding the functioning of the Committee.