Dr. Fallon Speaks May 1 in Hudson, NY

Dr. Brian Fallon, internationally renowned for his work on the neurologic and neuropsychiatric aspects of Lyme disease and Director of the Tickborne Disease Research Center at Columbia University, will provide an overview of Lyme disease and bring the audience up-to-date on the latest advances in research and strategies for prevention that are helping to solve the controversies and improve public health. Dr. Fallon’s work has also included diagnostics and treatment studies. The Columbia University Tick-borne Disease Research Center was established as the first academic research center in the country to focus multi disciplinary research on chronic Lyme disease.

Tick-borne diseases have been a serious problem for many Hudson Valley residents in the past fifeen or more years. Almost everyone in the area knows someone who has been sickened by Lyme disease. Many people’s lives have been turned upside down due to the bite of a single tick.

In addition to Dr. Fallon’s presentation, there will be information available for all to take home. The important strategies for prevention of these diseases will be highlighted in the hand-out materials including personal protection, pet protection, and how to eliminate tick habitat from your home grounds.
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