Illinois Governor Signs Law Expanding Insurance Coverage for Lyme Disease Treatment

On August 12, 2019, Illinois Governor, JB Pritzker, signed House Bill 889 into law which will expand insurance coverage for Lyme Disease testing and treatment. According to the Governor, this new legislation has been greatly needed and is a big step forward in protecting children and families throughout the state. Tick-borne illnesses have been on the rise throughout Illinois since 2004, and have had an especially devastating effect on working-class farming communities. “Many are losing their homes, their businesses and their pensions to try and pay for continued treatment,” said Illinois Lyme Association Director Jennifer Russell. “This legislation provides them with desperately needed options.” The new law will be a great source of support for families who have struggled to pay for the high costs of continuous treatments often associated with long-term recovery. “State government ought to be standing up for working families … Expanding health care coverage is one important way to help lower costs and build a higher standard of living for all Illinoisans,” said Governor Prizker. Sources: Lyme Disease Association, Inc. has not yet reviewed this legislation.