Dr. Burrascano Speaks:Lyme Support Grp

Dr. Burrascano

Weds. September 25th


Phillips Ambulatory Care Center

10 Union Square East

New York City

Second floor auditorium


This is a combined meeting of the NY Lyme Support Group and NJ LymeQuest Support Group – both groups are part of the LDA umbrella organization, LDAnet.

He will speak about new developments in Lyme and also be open to general questions from the audience. 

Dr. B is regarded by many as the world’s foremost Treating Physician for Lyme and Tickborne Diseases. 

Although currently pursuing research to benefit Lyme interests and not currently practicing, his methods and practices, which he has always made freely available, have helped many people to regain health.  He has advised treating physicians world-wide, and his guidelines have helped many physicians discern a treatment which has benefitted many. 

His guidelines can be viewed at: 

(note, this link does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation and is provided for information only)