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Whereas, Timothy S. Lynagh has served as the Legislative Director/Assistant Chief of Staff for Congressman Christopher H. Smith (NJ);

Whereas, in that capacity he has worked with the Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA) and with many of its partner organizations under the LDAnet umbrella including chapters, affiliates, and supporter groups;

Whereas, he has devoted himself to the cause of Lyme disease, in particular working to facilitate the development of a sensitive test, one which will also be able to detect active infection; to ensure availability of proper treatment which can include long-term treatment with antibiotics; and to aid in the development of and providing funding for a government research agenda which will provide adequate and appropriate funding;

Whereas, he has worked to help ensure a treating climate which allows physicians to provide their best clinical judgment in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases;

Whereas, he has been an active intermediary for Lyme patients to help them acquire the medical services they need to be properly diagnosed with and treated for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases;

Whereas, he has acted as a facilitator with other government officials and agencies on issues pertaining to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases;

Whereas, in all these actions, he has displayed honesty, integrity, and dedication above and beyond the call of duty; and therefore:

Be It Resolved That the national non-profit Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA) and its partners below salute him for his passion, commitment and friendship to Lyme disease and congratulate him upon his retirement;

And be it Further Resolved That they gratefully acknowledge his depth of understanding and breadth of experience and his resulting contributions to the Lyme disease cause and to humanity by his focusing attention on and funding for Lyme and tick-borne diseases and the victims afflicted by the diseases and the public at large who are at risk for acquiring them.


LDA UmbrellaThis date of September 6, 2012



Patricia V. Smith

President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. Jackson, New Jersey