LymeAid 4 Kids

LymeAid4Kids Logo2014SmallThe Lyme Disease Association’s LymeAid4Kids program was developed when  internationally acclaimed author Amy Tan, herself a Lyme patient, approached the LDA, asking us to help children who might have Lyme disease. The program was set up in 2004 to help families with children that may have contracted Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.  The families have financial difficulties and either have no insurance or insurance would not pay for the diagnostic or treatment regimens.    It is a program designed to get those processes started for those under 21 years old. • It can provide up to $3,000 toward diagnosis and/or treatment for Lyme & other tick-borne diseases. • It is available through any treating physician nationwide. • It is simple to apply for. For further information check with your physician or refer to the application packet.


Click here for application  
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